Workpark Interface

Team Workpark

Last Update 2 yıl önce

Although there is a wizard to help you familiarize with the Workpark interface. But here are more details just in case if you have missed something there.

Workpark's main interface is divided into two main sections.

To the left is your main navigation which helps you access all the different areas of the platform.

The first menu item below the Logo (your name and display picture) houses all the key account related links such as:

  • Platform and profile settings
  • Request help to submit help tickets
  • Access your billing section
  • Log out from Workpark

Below it everything is related to your available modules and features.

To the right is your main content area where most of your everyday work will take place.

This section is sub-divided in two three sections:

  • Towards the top is the header area which holds the title of the page, important links of that specific section (if any) and if you are on "Mission Control" or the main page of a section then it will show the relevant statistics along with a right-sidebar housing all the filters for filtering results.
  • Below that the entire page shows the section content
  • And towards the bottom resides your "Dock". Dock helps you remain up to date with everything that is happening in your organization. Such as all your notifications, latest direct messages, recent announcements, and your personal sticky notes. 

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